Life is full of transitions; seen and unforeseen. With a depth of HR and coaching experience, RED coaches offer personalised, bespoke coaching to meet client needs and circumstances. Transition topics include:
Newly Qualified
Study further, find a job, start your own business or take some time out - your RED career coach will support you navigate your options, supplement your thinking with psychometric testing as appropriate and prepare you for the world of work.
Redundancy brings a myriad of emotions - anger, excitement, loss, fear, a sense of freedom. Work with us to explore your options, assess what’s important, understand all you have to offer and how to market it effectively. Most importantly we will be with you every step of the way, helping you maintain motivation, manage external pressures and build your confidence to ensure you find the right place for you.
Changing Career
Outgrown your current role or company but not clear on what to do next? Feeling stuck? Successful but lacking passion? Looking to move into a new area or set up your own business? We will help you clarify your strengths, values and motivators and support you in making the right move.
Returning to the Workplace
Caring for your family, travel, education, passion projects and volunteering are all valuable life experiences. However returning to work after a period away can be daunting, regardless of the length of your career gap. We work with you to manage your fears and build confidence in your ability as you re-enter the world of work. From writing your CV, building your brand and network to overcoming impostor syndrome - we will work with you to ease your transition back into the workforce.